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4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod

4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod APK 4.1.9 [Unlocked][Premium]

Update on: 2023-09-26

4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod is a modified version of 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer developed by Hd Pro Walls. The difference between mod version and original version is: Premium UnlockedDebug info removed & Multi LanguageFor - Uni... You can download latest mod version or original version of 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer 4.5 with HappyMod. HappyMod is the best mod downloader for 100% working mods. Click here to learn how to use HappyMod to download and install all kinds of file types:xapk, bapk, apks...
App name4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod APK 4.1.9 [Unlocked][Premium]
Update on2023-09-26
Size8.44 MB
Mod infoPremium UnlockedDebug info removed & Multi LanguageFor - Universal
DeveloperHd Pro Walls
Ringtone DownlaodCartoon Ringtone
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4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod APK 4.1.9 [Unlocked][Premium]

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# Mod Info

The main advantages / modifications of 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod APK 4.1.9 [Unlocked][Premium]

Premium Unlocked
Debug info removed & Multi Language
For - Universal

# GeneralInformation

4KWallpapersisoneofthebest4KandUHDwallpaperapps.Ithasacollectionofover80,000wallpapersarrangedindifferentcategories.Theapplicationalsousesthedisplaysizeofthedevicetomatchthewallpaperandscreenresolution.However,theapplicationcontainssomeerrorswhenscrollingthescreenandbrowsingtheweb. Currently,thedeveloperisallowingthefreedownloadof4KWallpapersfromtheGooglePlaystore.Itisanapplicationthatprovidesallkindsofhigh-qualitywallpaperswithavarietyofthemes,helpingthedevicescreencomealiveandbringnewexperiencesduringusers'usage.

# Whatare4KWallpapers?

4Kreferstoeitheroftwohighdefinitionresolutionsof3840x2160pixelsand4096x2160pixels.Peopleunderstand4KtobefourtimeshigherthanFullHDresolution1080p(1920×1080pixels)isoneoftoday'shighdefinitionstandards.Otherhighdefinitiondefinitionscurrentlyinuseare720pand1080i.4KisofficiallydesignatedforconsumerproductssuchasUltraHDorUltraHighDefinition,butdependingonthetimesandareas,suchasinaprofessionalorcommercialenvironmentis4Kx2K,QuadHighDefinition,or2160p. 4Kresolutionisnowbeingusedmoreandmoreincommercialdigitalcinemacamcordersusingoptional4096x2160pixelsmoviesinaction.Orusemasterin4Kformat,orupscalefrom2K(1998×1080aspectratioof1.85:1or2048x858aspectratioof2.35:1). Also,4K,undertheofficialconsumernameUltraHD,isbeingrolledoutintohometheaterenvironments,usingthe3840x2160pixeloptionandtheabilitytoup-scalingvideoqualityto4Kandsome3DTVsand3Dvideoprojectors. Whatmakes4K(UltraHD)soimportantistheuseoflargerTVscreens.Forvideoprojectors,4Kmakesitpossibleforviewerstoseeimageswithmuchmoredetailandfewerpixelsthan1080p.1080pHDresolutionwouldbefineusingascreenaslargeasabout80inches,but4Kcouldprovideabetterpictureforevenlargerscreensizes. Besides,existing3DTVsand3Dvideoprojectorsusingpolarizedviewingmethods,resolvingthe3Dimageiscroppedto540p(960×540pixels)foreacheye.Theresolutionisequivalentto1/21080presolution.Meanwhile,theTVscreenalsodisplaysa2Dimageat1080presolution. However,usinga4Kresolutionpanelormonitor,3Dimagesviewedthroughthepolarizercanbedisplayedin1080p(1920×1080)resolutionforeacheye.Andso,whenwatchingregular2Dprograms,viewerswillviewimagesinfull4Kresolution.

# Howtouse4KWallpapers?

Besidesthedefaultwallpaperstoreofpopularsmartphonestoday,the4KWallpapersapplicationalsoregularlyupdatesonnewdevicesfromthepublisherwithmanynewthemes,spoiledforyoutoinnovate.Wewillguidepeopletodownload4KwallpapersforAndroidphonesusing4KWallpapers.4KWallpapersapplicationallowsyoutodownloadeasilywithouthavingtosearchformanypicturesontheInternet.Youdownloadtoyourphoneaccordingtothelinkbelow. Whenyoulaunchtheapp,high-quality4Kwallpaperswilloverwhelmyou,withavarietyofthemes,includingwallpapersfromthefamoussmartphonebrand,theAMOLED-friendlyscreen.Theapphasthefeatureofauto-suggestingwallpapersthatarehighlyrecommendedanddownloadedbymanyusers.Itseparatestheinterfaceforyoutochoosephotosaccordingtopersonalpreferences. Withwallpaperfrom4KWallpapers,youneedtochoosethedesiredphoto,clickApply,andchoosewherethescreenyouwanttosetisdone.Forme,thisisanexcellentapplication.Theimageshavebeenupdatedrecentlywithrecentsmartphones.

# Benefitsof4KDimension

Theever-increasingavailabilityof4K,undertheofficialnameUltraHD,canprovideconsumerswithanimproveddisplayedvideoimageforlargerscreenapplications.Itcandramaticallyreducethelikelihoodofviewersseeingthepixelstructuredisplayedonthescreenunlessyouareextremelyclosetothescreen.Itmeanssmoothedgesandincreaseddepth–justasinreality,whencombinedwithfasterscreenrefreshrates,4Kcandeliveralmost3Ddepththatviewersdonotneedglasses. NomatterhowtheUltraHDproject'sprogress,inawhile,withoutmakingyourHDTVoutofdate,youwillstillbeabletouseit.ThecurrentHDTVinfrastructurewillbeinuse.ItimplementsUltraHDonalargescale,itwillbeadded,notrefreshed,notinplaceofcurrenttechnology,liketoday's3Dtechnology.Ofcourse,justaswiththerecentdigital-to-digitalshift,theremaycomeadaywhen4Kmaybecomethedefaultstandard,butthatmeansalotofinfrastructureneedsintherightplace.Andstandardizationmustbepresentthroughouttheentireproductionandsupplychainandtobeacceptabletoconsumers. Asasolutionstartingtodeliver4KcontenttoUltraHDTVsand4Kvideoprojectors,Sonystartedoffering4Kgearandcontentwithfirst-generation4KUltraHDTVs.Likewise,REDhasaproduct.REDRAY4K,adevicepoweredbya4Kcontentdeliverysystem.Further,provisioning4Koverbroadcast,satellite,cable,orevenultra-broadbandInternetrequiresenormousinfrastructurecosts.Andatcostsincurredbybroadcasters,video,andotherserviceprovidersfortherecentdigitaltransformation,itisdifficulttoconvincethemtoinvestagainin4K. ThedevelopmentofnewvideocompressiontechniquescantakeadvantageofalltheadditionaldatainexistingHDTVtransmissionandstreaming.TheKoreaTelevisionServiceCentershowedthefactthat4Kcanbebroadcastusingnewtechnology.AndNetflixshowedanonlinesolutionfor4K,atCES2013,orotherwidelyimplementedsolutions,agreementsforaparticularstandardwillhavetobediscussedandresolved,includingbackwardcompatibilitywithexistingtechnology.

# OverallAssessments

4KWallpapersapplicationallowsyoutodownloadeasilywithouthavingtosearchformanypicturesontheInternet. ———

# 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod APK 4.1.9 [Unlocked][Premium] Features:

Fondos de 4K (Fondos 4K) - Fondos de pantalla animados | Auto Wallpaper Changer es una aplicación gratuita que tiene una gran variedad de 4K (UHD | Ultra HD) y Full HD (alta definición) fondos de pantalla | antecedentes.

Agregamos nuevos fondos de pantalla únicos y de calidad superior 4K | Full HD Wallpapers todos los días! Esta aplicación es una gran herramienta para 4K Fondos | Full HD Backgrounds y es un almacén de papel tapiz para el usuario, donde puede experimentar los mejores fondos seleccionados a mano y fondos de pantalla creativos. La aplicación está diseñada para teléfonos y tabletas Android, por lo que la aplicación funciona en cualquier tamaño de pantalla o resolución de pantalla. Nota: Live Wallpaper es un servicio incorporado en el sistema Android que se usa para cambiar los fondos automáticamente.

Funciones de fondos de pantalla de 4k y ultra HD y cambiador de pantalla en vivo:

Fondos de pantalla animados | Cambio automático de papel tapiz:
- Esta característica cambia automáticamente el fondo del escritorio móvil. El usuario puede elegir la frecuencia de tiempo para cambiar los fondos de pantalla automáticamente.

Simple, rápido y ligero:
- Nos centramos en la simplicidad de la aplicación, que ofrece un gran rendimiento. Es batería eficiente.

Configuración de fondo como fondo de pantalla:
- Puede establecer el fondo de pantalla con solo un clic. No hay necesidad de hasitate para abrir la galería y encontrar imágenes.

- Todos los fondos favoritos se colocan bajo un mismo techo que lo hacen fácil de ver.

Compartir y establecer como:
- Puede compartir fácilmente fondos de ultra HD o fondos de pantalla cotidianos con cualquier persona con solo un clic. Establezca fondos de pantalla en su escritorio también con un solo clic.

- Puede elegir entre 4K y la versión Full HD de Imagen para guardar en su teléfono.

- Tiene más de 10000 fondos de escritorio uhd y mejores fondos

Ahorre batería y recursos:
- La aplicación solo se muestra adaptada al tamaño de los fondos de pantalla y fondos de pantalla. Esto le permite conservar la energía de la batería y el tráfico de Internet, y usar la aplicación a la velocidad máxima sin perder calidad de imagen.

- Ofrecemos una gran cantidad de fondos de pantalla y fondos ordenados en más de 22 categorías que incluyen:

- Resumen, Animales, Anime, Celebridades, Fantasía, Aviones, Aviones, Bokeh, Videojuegos, Coches y motocicleta, Naturaleza, Espacio, Galaxia, Arquitectura, Ciudad, Minimalista, Embarcaciones, Nave, Música, Macro, Hi-Tech , Océano, Mar, Flores, Diseño de materiales, Alimentación, Bebidas, Fotografía, Superhéroes Fondos de pantalla | Fondos


Todos los fondos de pantalla en esta aplicación están bajo licencia creativa común y el crédito va a sus respectivos dueños. Estas imágenes no están respaldadas por ninguno de los posibles propietarios, y las imágenes se utilizan simplemente con fines estéticos. No se pretende infringir los derechos de autor, y se aceptará cualquier solicitud para eliminar una de las imágenes / logotipos / nombres.


# How to download and install 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod APK 4.1.9 [Unlocked][Premium]?

// Option A //

To download 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer mod from HappyMod.com.
You need enable the option "Unknown Sources".
1. Click on the above link to download 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer mod APK.
2. Save the file in your device Downloads folder.
3. Now tap on Install and wait for the installation to finish.
4. Once it is done, open the game and start playing it right away.

// Option B //

To download 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer from HappyMod APP, you can follow this:
1. Open your browser and download the HappyMod APK file from HappyMod.com - the only official website of HappyMod.
2. Open Android Settings and go into Privacy or Security.
3. Tap the option to Allow Unknown Sources and enable it.
4. Go to your Android downloads and tap the APK file.
5. Follow the directions on the screen to install it.
6. Search 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer in HappyMod App.

# Full Specifications of 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer Mod APK 4.1.9 [Unlocked][Premium]

// Download Information //

Version Code123
Langde es es-419 es-US fr fr-CA hi hi-IN pt pt-BR pt-PT ru uk uk-UA zh-CN zh-HK zh-TW


// Operation Systems //

Permission Text OTHER:
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows applications to set the wallpaper.
Allows access to the vibrator.
Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Min Sdk23
Min Sdk TxtAndroid 6.0 (M)
Target Sdk33
Target Sdk Txt33
Multi WindowNo
Supports Screenssmall, normal, large, xlarge
CPUarm64-v8a armeabi-v7a x86 x86_64
Open GL Int0
Supports Any DensityYes
Densities120, 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534, 65535

// User Features //

Uses Feature Touchscreen hardware features:
The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.
Uses Feature Touchscreen hardware features:
The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.
The app uses or provides wallpapers that include animation.
Uses Feature The app requires the device to use the portrait or landscape orientation. If your app supports both orientations, then you don't need to declare either feature.#The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.#:

// Signature //

Valid FromWed May 01 18:07:55 CEST 2019 until: Tue Jun 22 18:07:55 CEST 2049
Serial Number28e134ac

// Developer //

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User reviews (101)


@Anonymous   2024-12-19 02:21:57

From:US   Device:RMX1901   OS:android 11
good ok thanks ? to me too it's


@Anonymous   2024-12-19 02:03:48

From:US   Device:SM-J260T1   OS:android 8.1.0


@Anonymous   2024-12-15 00:20:14

From:US   Device:RMX3830   OS:android 14


@Anonymous   2024-12-12 18:49:34

From:GB   Device:SM-N981B   OS:android 12
Beautiful collection but wish there was a search feature


@Anonymous   2024-12-11 03:28:04

From:BR   Device:2311DRK48I   OS:android 14


@Anonymous   2024-12-07 21:53:42

From:US   Device:C20 Pro   OS:android 8.1.0


@Anonymous   2024-12-04 06:00:17

From:HU   Device:M2007J20CG   OS:android 14


@Anonymous   2024-12-02 14:25:51

From:US   Device:SM-J5108   OS:android 6.0.1
it work well


@Anonymous   2024-11-29 01:00:22

From:BR   Device:SM-A107M   OS:android 11
muito bom


@Anonymous   2024-11-26 18:07:01

From:IN   Device:23129RN51H   OS:android 14
nice application


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Latest requests related to 4K Wallpapers - Auto Changer


@Anonymous   2022-07-29 20:56:53

From:US   Device:INFINIX MOBILITY LIMITED Infinix X659B   OS:android 11
Plz upload 4k wallpaper latest version and also include double wallpaper feather in this app.


@Anonymous   2021-10-27 23:46:07

From:FR   Device:Xiaomi M2101K7BG   OS:android 11
i need this please can you do it pleaaaaaase you have to do it



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