HappyMod / Mobile IPTV/VOD Mod / Video reviews / Voici le MEILLEUR ABONNEMENT IPTV de France - 12 000 Chaines + 50 000 VOD - TEST 24h- xenoniptv.co

Mobile IPTV/VOD Video Reviews

Name Mobile IPTV/VOD
Package Name com.mobilevue.vod
Publisher: BFW2008
Version 1.3.8
Size 2.79MB
Price FREE
Requires Android 3.0.x (HONEYCOMB)

Voici le MEILLEUR ABONNEMENT IPTV de France - 12 000 Chaines + 50 000 VOD - TEST 24h- xenoniptv.co


IPTV and VOD being the future of interactive television OBS has evolved itself to cater to the needs of entrepreneurs in terms of providing flexible and customized solutions tailored to suit individual needs and requirements.
OBS has evolved from a Billing solution to a single stop solution for entrepreneurs launching IPTV and VOD services, our motto is to minimize capital investment through OBS.

Integrating IPTV and VOD services with android based applications and enabling services through smart devices (Mobiles/Tablets /TV Boxes) is one of the several attributes which we have incorporated in catering to the needs and demands of the IPTV & VOD industry.

Supported Features

Adaptive Bit-rate support.
Channel wise stream mapping
Media Asset Management & Pricing
Media Asset grouping & Bundling
Channel Grouping & Bundling
Integration with Telecom network is simplified
Social media capabilities

How to install Mobile IPTV/VOD Mod

Step 1. Download Mobile IPTV/VOD Mod () APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Mobile IPTV/VOD Mod () APK will begin installing on your device. Simple.

How to install Mobile IPTV/VOD Mod from HappyMod app?

Step 1. Download HappyMod APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Search Mobile IPTV/VOD Mod, click Download.
Step 4: You can download 100% working mods on HappyMod with one click.