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Rainbow Six Mobile Mod

Rainbow Six Mobile Mod APK 1.1.0

Update on: 2024-05-22

Rainbow Six Mobile Mod is a modified version of Rainbow Six Mobile developed by Ubisoft Entertainment. The difference between mod version and original version is: "Rainbow Six" is currently in Canada, the United States, Mex... You can download latest mod version or original version of Rainbow Six Mobile 1.3.1 with HappyMod. HappyMod is the best mod downloader for 100% working mods. Click here to learn how to use HappyMod to download and install all kinds of file types:xapk, bapk, apks...
App nameRainbow Six Mobile Mod APK 1.1.0
Update on2024-05-22
Size529.33 MB
Mod info"Rainbow Six" is currently in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, the Philippines, India, the United K ...
DeveloperUbisoft Entertainment
Ringtone DownlaodSpider Man Ringtone
Get it on Google PlayRainbow Six Mobile
Download original apkRainbow Six Mobile (529.33 MB)
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Rainbow Six Mobile Mod APK 1.1.0

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# Mod Info

The main advantages / modifications of Rainbow Six Mobile Mod APK 1.1.0

"Rainbow Six" is currently in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, the Philippines, India, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Australia and including 15 areas.
You can participate without qualifications in this test. Welcome to download and download
Test time: To be determined

This game requires accelerator support

# ComprehensiveDetailsaboutRainbowSixMobileAPKDownload

RainbowSixMobileAPKforAndroidisamodernFPSgameofferedbyUbisoftEntertainment.ThemobileversionisagreatportofthePCgame,anditoffershair-raising5v5matches. Thegame'sgraphicsareexceptionallydetailed,andthemapsareenigmatic.Thereisadecentvarietyofgamemodes,suchasBombmodeandSecureArea.Eachmapistailor-madeforaspecificgameplaytype,givingyoudiversewaystoplaythegame. Thecontrolsarewell-optimizedformobiledevices,andthegameplayisexceedinglysmooth.Thereisaminorlearningcurve,butonceyougetthehangofit,RainbowSixMobileAPKisanimmenselyenjoyablegame. Ifyou'reafanofmultiplayerFPSgames,thenyouoweittoyourselftogiveRainbowSixMobileAPKfreedownloadforAndroidatry.It'sanexcellentgamethatissuretoprovideyouwithcountlesshoursofenjoyment.

# PocketVersionofRainbowSix!

RainbowSixhasbeenarenownednameintheFPSgenreforyears.Thegameseriesisknownforitstacticalgameplayandintensefirefights. RainbowSixMobileAPKbringsthesameleveloftacticaldepthtoyourpocketasitsPCcounterpart.Itfeatureshighlydetailedmaps,avarietyofgamemodes,andsmoothcontrols. Comparatively,RainbowSixMobileAPKisanaccurateportofthePCgame.ItcapturestheessenceofwhatmakestheRainbowSixseriesgreatanddistillsitintoamobilepackage. Thegraphicshavebeendowngradedslightlytoaccommodatemobiledevices,buttheoverallexperienceisstilltop-notch.Youwillexploreavarietyofmaps,eachwithitsuniquelayoutandchallenges. Thegamemodesareablasttoplay,andthecontrolsareintuitiveandresponsive.BeamongthefirsttoexperiencethetacticalbrillianceofRainbowSixonyourmobiledevice.

# HighlyCompetitiveMultiplayerGameplay

Thegamefeatures5v5matchesthatareintenseandthrilling.Themapsaredesignedtopromoteclose-quarterscombat,andthegunplayisprecise&satisfying.Youwillneedtoemployteamworkandstrategytocomeoutontop. Youcanjoinhandswithfriendsandcreateapowerfulsquadtotakeontheenemyteam.Ensureyouachievetheperfectmixofskillsandrolestogiveyourteamanedge.Forexample,youmightwanttohaveanexperiencedsniperexterminatedistanttargets. Advertisement Thereisalsoarankedmodewhereyoucantestyourmettleagainstthebestplayersfromaroundtheworld.Thismodeisextremelycompetitive,andonlythemostskilledteamswillprevail.

# LotsofHighlyExperiencedOperators

Asearliermentioned,thisgamerequireswell-coordinatedteamworktowin.Whenconstitutingyourteam,youmustchooseoperatorswiththerightskillsetforthetaskathand. Fortunately,thisgamehasamassiverosterofexperiencedoperatorstochoosefrom.Eachoperatorhasuniqueabilities,weapons,andgadgetsthatcanbeemployedinbattle. Youmuststudyeachoperatorcarefullyandselectthosethatfityourteam'splaystyle.Forexample,ifyoufavoramoreaggressiveapproach,youmightconsiderchoosinganoperatorwithashotgun. Ontheotherhand,ifyoupreferamoremethodicalandcalculatedapproach,youmightwanttochooseanoperatorwithalong-rangesniperrifle.Justensureyouhaveagoodmixofoperatorstocoverallthebases.

# ChooseYourRole(AttackerorDefender)

Thisgamegivesyoutheleewaytoselecttheroleyouwanttoplayinamatch.Doyouwanttobeanattackeroradefender? Ifyouwanttobeonthefrontlineoftheattackingteam,bereadytobreachtheenemy'sdefensesandeliminateallhostiletargets.Youmustalsobepreparedtosupportyourteambyprovidingcoveringfireandholdingkeypositions. Additionally,theattackingteammustdeploydronestogatherintelontheenemy'sposition.Thiswillbeessentialinformationthatwillhelpyouformulateawinningstrategy. Ifyouwanttoplaytheroleofdefender,youmustbepreparedtofortifyyourteam'spositionandrepelallattackingenemies.Youmustalsobereadytosupportyourteambyprovidingcoveringfireandholdingkeypositions. Additionally,thedefendingteammustsetuptrapsandotherdefensestoimpedetheenemy'sprogress.Thiswillgiveyourteamamuch-neededadvantageinbattle.

# DestructibleEnvironments

Thisgamefeaturesdestructibleenvironmentsthataddanextralayerofstrategyandtacticaldepth.Youcanusetheenvironmenttoyouradvantagebydestroyingthecoverthattheenemyisusingorcreatingnewpathsforyourteam. Advertisement Thisfeaturealsoprovidesasomewhatrealisticexperienceasbulletswillricochetoffsurfaces.Thisaddsanelementofunpredictabilitytothegameandmakesthingsmoreinteresting. Whenattacking,youmustdestroyhideoutsandwallstocreatenewpathsforyourteam.Thiswillallowyoutoflanktheenemyandtakethembysurprise. Whendefending,youmustfortifyyourpositionwithsandbagsandbarbedwire.Youcanalsousetrapstodeadlyeffectagainstunsuspectingenemies.

# OtherUniqueFeaturesofRainbowSixMobileAPK

EasilyCustomizableControls.ThedeveloperhasdoneagreatjobofmakingthecontrolscustomizableintheHUD.Thisallowsyoutotailorthecontrolstoyourspecificneedsandpreferences. UniqueMaps.Thisgamehas6uniquemapsthatarespecificallydesignedformobiledevices.Thesemapsaresmallerinsizebutstillprovideagoodamountoftacticaldepth.SomepopularonesincludeBomb,Bank&Border,andSecuretheArea. CoolGadgets&Weapons.Thisgamehasawidevarietyofgadgetsandweaponsthatyoucanuseinbattle.Theseincludeassaultrifles,submachineguns,sniperrifles,shotguns,andmore.Youcanalsopurchasedifferentkindsofarmorandequipmenttohelpyousurvivetherigorsofbattle. ImmersiveSoundEffects&CoolGraphics.Thesoundsofgunshots,explosions,andhelicoptersaddtothesenseofurgencyandexcitement. ———

# Rainbow Six Mobile Mod APK 1.1.0 Features:

THIS JUST IN: We are currently testing this early version of Rainbow Six Mobile with a limited number of players. Stay tuned for a chance to play before the release.

We plan to support more device models in the future. The mobile devices in this test do not represent the final list of devices for launch. Content and quality of the game are still a work-in-progress.

From the acclaimed Rainbow Six franchise, Rainbow Six Mobile is a competitive, multiplayer first-person shooter experience on your phone. Compete in Rainbow Six's classic Attack vs. Defense game modes. Play as an Attacker or Defender in fast-paced 5v5 matches and face intense close-quarter combat while making timely tactical decisions. Choose from a roster of highly trained Operators, each with their own unique abilities and gadgets. Experience this ultimate tactical shooter game, designed exclusively for mobile.

MOBILE ADAPTATION - Rainbow Six Mobile has been developed and optimized for mobile with shorter matches and game sessions. Customize the game's controls in the HUD to fit your playstyle and level of comfort to play on the go.

RAINBOW SIX EXPERIENCE - The acclaimed tactical shooter game is coming to mobile featuring its epic roster of Operators, their cool gadgets, its iconic maps, such as Bank and Border, and its Secure the Area and Bomb game modes. Compete in intensive 5v5 PvP matches with players from around the globe. Enjoy the Rainbow Six experience with anyone, anywhere, anytime!

DESTRUCTIBLE ENVIRONMENTS - Join forces with friends and think strategically. Use weapons and Operators' unique abilities to breach through destructible walls and ceilings or rappel from the roof and break through windows. Make the environment a key part of your tactics! Master the art of setting traps, fortifying your locations, and breaching enemy territory as you lead your team to victory.

STRATEGIC TEAM BASED PVP - Strategy and teamwork are the keys to success in Rainbow Six Mobile. Adapt your strategy to maps, Operators, Attack or Defense. As attackers, deploy observation drones, lean to protect your position, rappel from the roof or breach through destructible walls, floors or ceilings. As defenders, barricade all entry points, reinforce walls, and use spy cameras or traps to defend your position. Gain advantage over your opponents with team tactics and gadgets. Set up strategies with your team during the prep phase to deploy for action! Alternate between attack and defense each round to win it all. You only have one life, so make the best of it to help your team succeed.

SPECIALIZED OPERATORS - Assemble your team of highly trained Operators, specialized in attack or defence. Select from the most popular Rainbow Six Operators. Each Operator comes equipped with unique skillsets, primary and secondary weapons, and the most sophisticated and deadly gadgetry. Mastering each skill and gadget will be key to your survival.

Privacy Policy: https://legal.ubi.com/privacypolicy/
Terms of Use: https://legal.ubi.com/termsofuse/

Join the community for the latest news:
Facebook: facebook.com/Rainbow6Mobile/
Twitter: twitter.com/rainbow6mobile
Instagram: instagram.com/rainbow6mobile/
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCA8JO83nj1wWOkWvUMcIcZg
Discord: discord.com/invite/Rainbow6Mobile

This game requires an online connection - 4G, 5G or Wifi
Feedback or Questions? https://ubisoft-mobile.helpshift.com/hc/en/45-rainbow-six-mobile/


# How to download and install Rainbow Six Mobile Mod APK 1.1.0 ?

// Option A //

To download Rainbow Six Mobile mod from HappyMod.com.
You need enable the option "Unknown Sources".
1. Click on the above link to download Rainbow Six Mobile mod APK.
2. Save the file in your device Downloads folder.
3. Now tap on Install and wait for the installation to finish.
4. Once it is done, open the game and start playing it right away.

// Option B //

To download Rainbow Six Mobile from HappyMod APP, you can follow this:
1. Open your browser and download the HappyMod APK file from HappyMod.com - the only official website of HappyMod.
2. Open Android Settings and go into Privacy or Security.
3. Tap the option to Allow Unknown Sources and enable it.
4. Go to your Android downloads and tap the APK file.
5. Follow the directions on the screen to install it.
6. Search Rainbow Six Mobile in HappyMod App.

# Full Specifications of Rainbow Six Mobile Mod APK 1.1.0

// Download Information //

Version Code42529
Langaf am ar as az be bg bn bs ca cs da de el en en-AU en-CA en-GB en-IN en-XC es es-US et eu fa fi fr fr-CA gl gu hi hr hu hy in is it iw ja ka kk km kn ko ky lo lt lv mk ml mn mr ms my nb ne nl or pa pl pt pt-BR pt-PT ro ru si sk sl sq sr sr-Latn sv sw ta te th tl tr uk ur uz vi zh zh-CN zh-HK zh-MO zh-TW zu


// Operation Systems //

Permission Text OTHER:
Allows an application to record audio.
Allows an application to modify global audio settings.
Allows applications to open network sockets.
Allows applications to access information about networks.
Allows access to the vibrator.
Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting.
Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
Min Sdk28
Min Sdk TxtAndroid 9.0
Target Sdk33
Target Sdk Txt33
Multi WindowNo
Supports Screenssmall, normal, large, xlarge
Open GL Int0
Supports Any DensityYes
Densities120, 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534

// User Features //

Uses Feature Bluetooth hardware features:
The app uses the device's Bluetooth features, usually to communicate with other Bluetooth-enabled devices.
Uses Feature Wi-Fi hardware features:
The app uses 802.11 networking (Wi-Fi) features on the device.
Uses Feature The app uses the device's Bluetooth features, usually to communicate with other Bluetooth-enabled devices.#:

// Signature //

Valid FromWed Sep 12 17:58:53 CEST 2012 until: Thu Jun 16 17:58:53 CEST 2067
Serial Number5050b13d

// Developer //

OUUbisoft Entertainment
OrganizationUbisoft Entertainment

# What're users talking about Rainbow Six Mobile Mod APK

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User reviews (118)


@Anonymous   2024-12-20 18:20:30

From:TR   Device:SM-N975F   OS:android 12
Ich kann das nicht spielen


@Anonymous   2024-12-17 17:46:34

From:ZA   Device:FIG-LX1   OS:android 9
Not working it says update


@Anonymous   2024-12-17 09:28:17

From:BR   Device:2201117TG   OS:android 13
muito top


@Anonymous   2024-12-14 16:44:16

From:CZ   Device:2312DRAABG   OS:android 14
top díky


@Anonymous   2024-12-11 21:31:16

From:FR   Device:Infinix X6826   OS:android 12
thank you


@Anonymous   2024-12-11 03:18:32

From:ES   Device:21121119SG   OS:android 13
se requiere actualización ponerla


@Anonymous   2024-12-10 20:56:19

From:TR   Device:TECNO CK7n   OS:android 14
çok iyi


@Anonymous   2024-12-08 18:25:01

From:AU   Device:SM-A146P   OS:android 14
don't know yet


@Anonymous   2024-12-06 07:18:44

From:US   Device:Pixel 9 Pro XL   OS:android 14
good game just you cant tk which is really annoying because alot of my teammates will reinforce rotation holes from site to site and they take my operators even tho the bottom fragging but other than that the game is well made


@Anonymous   2024-12-05 15:17:32

From:CZ   Device:2312DRAABG   OS:android 14
paráda. děkuji mooc


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Other Versions

Found (4) versions of Rainbow Six Mobile Mod

Rainbow Six Mobile Mod Apk 1.1.0

Rainbow Six Mobile Mod Apk 1.1.0

"Rainbow Six" is currently in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, the Philippines, India, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Australia and including 15 areas.
You can participate without qualifications in this test. Welcome to download and download
Test time: To be determined

This game requires accelerator support
Rainbow Six Mobile Mod Apk 0.4.5

Rainbow Six Mobile Mod Apk 0.4.5

"Rainbow Six" is currently in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, the Philippines, India, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Australia and including 15 areas.
You can participate without qualifications in this test. Welcome to download and download
Test time: To be determined

This game requires accelerator support

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