HappyMod / Snaking Snake Mutiplayer Mod / Video reviews / Paul Rosolie: Amazon Jungle, Uncontacted Tribes, Anacondas, and Ayahuasca | Lex Fridman Podcast #369

Snaking Snake Mutiplayer Video Reviews

Snaking Snake Mutiplayer
Name Snaking Snake Mutiplayer
Package Name com.happybytesapps.snaker1
Publisher: Timeshare_Software
Version 1.51
Size 21.66 MB
Price FREE
Requires Android 2.3 (GINGERBREAD)

Paul Rosolie: Amazon Jungle, Uncontacted Tribes, Anacondas, and Ayahuasca | Lex Fridman Podcast #369

Snaking Snake Mutiplayer

Compete with other people who will grow the biggest snake. Slither around your snake and eat food to grow. Do not hit another snake, or you will die. Make other slithering creatures die by coiling around. This is real time multiplayer where you compete with real people. You can also play offline.

How to install Snaking Snake Mutiplayer Mod

Step 1. Download Snaking Snake Mutiplayer Mod () APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Snaking Snake Mutiplayer Mod () APK will begin installing on your device. Simple.

How to install Snaking Snake Mutiplayer Mod from HappyMod app?

Step 1. Download HappyMod APK file on HappyMod.com.
Step 2. Once it's downloaded, open Downloads, tap on the APK file, and tap Yes when prompted.
Step 3.Search Snaking Snake Mutiplayer Mod, click Download.
Step 4: You can download 100% working mods on HappyMod with one click.